image calm videoAnxiety and anger may not seem connected.


Anxiety is often associated with fear, and fear is not typically associated with powerful emotions like courage.


While it takes courage to stand up to someone and tell them why you’re feeling upset with them, most people would not label anger as a typical symptom of anxiety. After all,  anger can make us feel fearful, insecure helpless, and hopeless.

Anger is very powerful. How we deal with, project, avoid, communicate, hide, repress, internalize and externalize anger was largely taught to us by our parents or caretakers.

The good news is you’re no longer a child living under your parents’ roof. You can change your anger template from this day forward. Yes, you can! To view the video above, in addition to learning how to express anger at the right time, in the right way, to the right person, click here.


Yours in healthy emotional expression,
