Category: happiness

When the Same Old Thinking Gets You the Same Old Results

    Ah, a new year, a new you. It’s the promise of finding the right direction from the latest self-help bestseller. The allure of a fitter physique found in your gym’s new strength-training gear. The adrenaline rush as you hit the Sign me up! button for that online training course for busy people on […]

Best Articles: 10 Articles That Can Improve Your Mental Health

I love anxious people. All frazzled nerves, stressed out thoughts and sleepless nights. I know, it’s not a healthy love, but a relationship I know inside and out. Like an old married couple, we’ve grown comfortable with one another’s nervous habits and predictable patterns. Best of all, we’ve got each other’s back. And I’ve got […]

Boundaries: Beginning to Draw The Line for Healthy Relationships

When you feel unhappy, angry or anxious, there’s two behavioral options. One involves introspection: why do I continue feeling this way and what changes do I need to make?)   The other invites escape (how do I stop these feelings NOW!? Think overeating, drugs, or sex with the wrong person). Knowing which road you should […]

Feeling Anxious? Get On The Right Side of Calm With 6 Steps

  Whether your central nervous system is hijacked due to family stress, insomnia, a life transition (or all the above 😂 ), the key to calming down lies in a relaxation routine.   Most knee-jerk, automatic, impulsive reactions which occur while in the throes of an anxiety attack are the result of your brain’s amygdala, […]

How to Think Like A Shrink (Even If You Don’t Like Therapy)

…or therapists, for that matter 😉 . So it’s Sunday morning and I’m trying to think of a compelling psychological topic for the blog and I’m coming up empty: “Three Reasons Your Childhood Matters In Adulthood,” “Why Suicidality Is A Family Problem Which Requires A Family Solution,” “Anxious Adults Raise Anxious Children.” And then it […]

Jump Start Your Wellness Journey: 7 Wonderful Mental Health Resources

Over the past few months, this blog has gained thousands of new readers, and I couldn’t be more thankful or grateful. After all, “There is no health without mental health.” In an effort to offer a more streamlined emotional wellness experience to new and veteran readers, I’ve highlighted some of Wired for Happy’s most popular […]

How to Rewire Your Brain for Health and Happiness

When was the last time you got caught up in a frenzy of motivation and promised yourself that this time, yes—no holds barred, you were going to break free from anxiety or depression, or lose weight, or benchpress 250, or find healthy relationships, or get your dream job, or see a shrink? Most of us […]

4 Simple Exercises for Anxiety Relief

Ever feel like you need a mental health tuneup, but not the whole check-up? You’re not ready to call your therapist, but you feel yourself slipping… Maybe your sleep is disturbed, your worries too intense, or you snap at your kids when you’re stressed. There’s a time and a place for deep psychological work to […]

How Hope Helps You Heal

One of my primary roles as a psychotherapist is infusing hope in my clients, especially at the onset of the therapeutic journey. This is due in part, because people often wait until a psychological crisis to seek psychotherapy. The beauty of reaching out and asking for help is the inherent good will within—no matter how […]

3 Simple Reasons for Why You’re Still Anxious

Nobody is born calm. And life gets messy from that first breath on. If you’re fortunate enough to be raised by stable, loving parents, you may grow up with heightened expectations about how life should be, which could cause you to fall short in the thick skin category. And if your parents were Fly-Off-the-Handle Harry […]

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