Category: calm

The Worst Kind of Anxiety (and what to do about it)

Imagine you’re going about your day, a bit frazzled—because let’s face it, you’ve always been anxiety sensitive—when you suddenly fear that you’ll contaminate your family with an incurable disease if you touch them. Or you’re driving to work and out of the blue you have a panic attack on the freeway. You hastily pull to […]

When Anger and Anxiety Are In Bed Together

“Anger, in general, is healthy. Just like sadness or happiness, it’s a normal emotion. Where people get into trouble is when anger becomes a behavior that is physically, verbally or emotionally inappropriate.” —Carole D. Stovall As a psychotherapist it’s sometimes difficult to convey the connection between anger and anxiety in my sleep-deprived, nervous clients. That’s […]

21 Smart Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever (Free audio Mp3)

Welcome to another resource containing sure-fire tips to calm your anxious mind. You can thank a lovely member of the Team Happy crew for this one (sometimes you just gotta ask for what you want in life 🙂 ). I love creating portable, mobile meditations, tutorials and recordings to support emotional wellness and mental health. […]

Calming Your Anxious Mind — Setting Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are the key to emotional well-being. After all, you teach people how to treat you. Check out the audio snippet below from the Calming Your Anxious Mind module via Team Happy, for a recap of the essentials steps to adopting a peaceful mindset, where you manage your anxiety, and not the other way […]

Calming Your Anxious Mind: Overcoming Anger

    Anxiety and anger may not seem connected.   Anxiety is often associated with fear, and fear is not typically associated with powerful emotions like courage.   While it takes courage to stand up to someone and tell them why you’re feeling upset with them, most people would not label anger as a typical […]

5-Minute Mindfulness Practices to Calm An Anxious Mind

If I were to ask what you thought about while eating your breakfast this morning, would you be at a loss for words? If you’re like most busy people, the answer would be yes. So much of our day is dictated by duties—household chores, work, child-rearing, commuting, studying, and social obligations, that we busily rush […]

Making Your Anxiety Work for You

I have a client-centered confession: I prefer working with anxious people. I know, it’s like saying, “I prefer my son over my daughters,” but I can’t help it. I’ve been a psychotherapist for over a decade and that’s long enough to know with whom I excel, in my clinical book. It’s not that anxiety is […]

What’s Up With Millennials and Mental Health?

I adore millennials. By and large, they are my favorite demographic to work with in therapy. This fact makes me unpopular in certain circles. Sometimes the admission is met with inquisitive looks, or eye-rolling, or the occasional contemptuous comment. “Just what is it you find so endearing? Is it the entitlement, the gluten-free everything, or […]

Simple Life Lessons to Ease Your Anxious Mind

My second biggest fear as a parent just may come true. Or it may not. As a psychotherapist who counsels parents of angry, anxious and misguided teens, I sometimes worry that my own kid will get lost in the shuffle. When this happens I follow a few steps to check if my worries are based […]

Walking Meditation (Mp3)

  “The true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh Welcome to another relaxation resource. Today we will practice the walking meditation — a form of meditation in action. In walking meditation the experience of walking is the focus. We become mindful […]

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