All The Psychology

Anxiety Relief: You Are Not Bound by Your Biology

“I’m wired this way. I’ve always been a worrier!” “My thoughts are constantly racing.” “Everyone in my family is anxious.” If these thoughts resonate with you, you are not alone. Nearly 20% of the adult population in the United States is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Not included are the undiagnosed and untreated members of […]

17 Things to Curb Your Anxiety That Don’t Involve Therapy

“I can’t think straight!” “I worry all the time.” “I’ll never feel calm.” Anxiety is omnipresent. One may argue that something is wrong if racing thoughts, sleepless nights and tightening in your chest aren’t a part of your identity. It’s almost as if feeling calm is a myth. Be that as it may, you can […]

The Main Reason Why Anxious Adults Raise Anxious Children

  Homework angst. Sleepless nights. Stomachaches. Panic attacks. Parents of anxious kids dread the start of the academic year. Most classrooms haven’t even opened their doors, yet administrators and counselors are already bombarded with parental stress. Not your mama’s new school year. This is an article about how well-intentioned grown-ups reinforce kids’ fears, worries, and […]

Boundaries: A Guide to Making Essential Life Decisions

“If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you.” —Cheryl Richardson       Establishing boundaries is one of the best ways to preserve your emotional energy and define who […]

Anxiety: When Fear and Worries Aren’t the Main Problem

“I can’t meditate, it completely stresses me out!” “Deep-breathing doesn’t calm me.” “I can’t stand yoga.” A few common responses from many an anxious person, when advised of common practices to set the stage for inner peace. While everyone is the expert on their own life, one can argue that anxiety-prone people do not always […]

3 Hidden Reasons Why Your Anxiety Keeps Creeping Back

Ever notice how 9 out of 10 people say “I’m fine” when asked about their day? Negativity, pessimism, and a lack of motivation could consume you — yet you’re still OK. Except when you’re not. Etiquette aside, everyone’s susceptible to bad moods, but what to do when the in-between states of blah and bad linger […]

A Simple Technique to Calm Your Anxious Mind in 20 Minutes

  “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday —unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” ― Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon Over the weekend I received an email from a college student who’s struggling with anxiety and wants to get unstuck… A tall order for a non-therapy client, but he was […]

The Best (and Hardest) Life Lesson to Remember When You’re Struggling

Have you heard of the psychiatric phenomenon, ‘suicide by cop’? According to Wikipedia: “Suicide by cop or suicide by police is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with intent to provoke a lethal response from a public safety or law enforcement officer.” An officer-involved shooting occurred in […]

Stopping the Anxiety Cycle: A Meditation to Help You Calm Down (Mp3)

“P.S. You’re not going to die. Here’s the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you’ll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you’ll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get fired…it’s not going to kill you. Ask anyone who’s been […]

The Art of Not Panicking

What would your days look like if your mind and body were not hijacked by stress and anxiety? I’m gonna go out on a limb, and venture, great, right? What if I told you it IS possible to learn the step-by-step process to achieve calm, clarity and most of all, feelings of In Control… Would […]

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